


 From http://greatcentralsun.racms.jp/m/js23kkhr/

(Since I could not find the English original Shimatsu report, I back-translated from the Japanese translated version.)

What a mastermind behind the 1995 sarin gas attack on the subway, Abe! Shinzo Abe is the former boss of Aum Shinrikyo's Hideo Murai! By Yoichi Shimatsu

【 地下鉄サリン事件の主犯も安倍晋三! : 米論文『東京地下鉄ガス攻撃は安倍の最初の攻撃であったTokyo Subway Gas Attack Was Abe's First Attack By Yoichi Shimatsu』日本語訳・・世界に知れ渡っています。 】 18-12-08更新
■ 『 [画像+]
【 1995年東京地下鉄サリン事件の主犯も安倍晋三! : 米論文『東京地下鉄ガス攻撃は安倍の最初の攻撃であった By Yoichi Shimatsu(島津洋一)』日本語訳・・覚醒したアメリカ人に人気!世界に知れ渡っています。 】
The main suspect in the 1995 Tokyo subway sarin gas attack is also Shinzo Abe! The 1995 sarin gas attack on the Tokyo subway was Abe's first attack By Yoichi Shimatsu Popular among Americans! The world knows about it. 2018-12-05 ・ 12-08更新

I would like to share with you the Shimazu paper on the 1995 sarin gas attack on the Tokyo subway system, which was part of a coup attempt by the neo-militarist faction of the powerful coalition of the Liberal Democratic Party and the New Komeito Party... That a major criminal responsible for murder and mayhem in the capital could be reinstated and twice elected prime minister proves that Japan's prosecutors, courts, and media have failed to uphold the Constitution and protect public safety.

■ 『【オウム真理教の真実()】覚醒したアメリカ人に人気の米論文『東京地下鉄ガス攻撃は安倍
  の最初の攻撃であった By Yoichi Shimatsu(島津洋一)』を「+麻生太郎の水道テロ攻撃」を
The Truth About Aum Shinrikyō ()", a popular US paper for awakened Americans, "Tokyo Subway Gas Attack Was Abe's First Attack
  Tokyo subway gas attack was Abe's first attack By Yoichi Shimatsu (Shimazu Yoichi)
  The blogger who translated the article into Japanese by adding "+Taro Aso's waterworks terror attack".

  □日銀筆頭株主ロスチャイルド□ @RothschildBoJ 2018/12/01 Twitter

■ 『東京地下鉄ガス攻撃は安倍の最初の攻撃であった By Yoichi Shimatsu + 麻生の水道
 さてはてメモ帳 Imagine & Think! 2018/12/0

東京地下鉄ガス攻撃は安倍の最初の攻撃であった By Yoichi Shimatsu 3-19-15』


Within three hours of the Tokyo subway gas attack that took down 20,000 commuters, our reporting team learned that the Aum manipulated and censored the news media to divert public attention from state sponsorship of terrorist cells implanted within the Aum Shinrikyo cult. In an open challenge to censorship and disinformation, our investigative team found that the news media had been manipulated and censored to divert public attention from the state sponsorship of terrorist cells planted within the Aum Shinrikyo cult. In an open challenge to censorship and disinformation, we investigative journalists, in cooperation with the Japanese language magazine Takarajima 30 In an open challenge to censorship and disinformation, we investigative journalists, in cooperation with the Japanese language magazine Takarajima 30, exposed a key politician who funded and directed the secret agents within the new Buddhist sect. The purpose of the Aum's sponsors was to obtain nerve gas and nuclear bombs from Russia and Ukraine after the collapse of the Soviet Union in order to secretly store and possess weapons of mass destruction in Japan. nerve gas, nuclear warheads, and ballistic missiles from Russia and Ukraine after the collapse of the Soviet Union in order to secretly store and possess weapons of mass destruction in Japan.

The untold story is that the subway attack was part of a coup attempt by the neo-militarist faction within the powerful coalition of the Liberal Democratic Party and the New Komeito. The untold story is that the subway attack was part of a coup attempt by the neo-militarist faction within the powerful coalition of the LDP and Komeito.


That regressive coup failed for several reasons: neo-militarist politicians, the Yakuza, defense corporations, and the nuclear industry.
and the dark alliance of the nuclear industry.

Among these fugitives were arms dealer Kikushi Hayakawa and Aum's "Science Minister" Hideo Murai, who served as a mentor to
A WMD expert by the name of Shinzo Abe, who served as a mentor to Aum's "science minister" Hideo Murai, was among these fugitives.

悪は断じて消えていない; それは根絶されなければならない、さもなけ
The fact that a major criminal responsible for murder and mayhem in the nation's capital has been reinstated and twice elected Prime Minister is a testament to the failure of Japan's
prosecutors, the courts, and the media have failed to uphold the Constitution and protect public safety. The evil is far from gone; it must be eradicated, or we all face destruction. That is the lesson of the subway gas attack and the lesson of the Fukushima meltdown. These two events, which are not generally known, are inextricably linked.

■【 煙のカナリア 】Canary in Smoke


The cover of the first edition after the subway gas attack was titled "Nerve Gas War" and was based on an interview with a member of Ground Defense Unit 101, a chemical defense unit dispatched from a base in Saitama Prefecture to the south in response to a rush hour gas attack. It was based on an interview with a member of Ground Defense Unit 101, a chemical defense unit dispatched from a base in Saitama Prefecture to the south in response to the rush hour gas attack. The cover was titled "Nerve Gas War.

地下鉄霞が関駅の階段を下っている最初の兵士は、米軍由来のガス検知器を使って有毒化合物の種類を調べた。 彼が昼光の中に戻ってきたとき、東京警察の記者クラブの記者たちは彼の周りに集まって調査結果を熱望した。 彼の安全フードを取り除いた後、彼は検出器を持ち上げてダイ

The first soldier to descend the stairs of the Kasumigaseki subway station used a U.S. military-derived gas detector to determine the type of toxic compound. When he returned to daylight, reporters from the Tokyo Police Press Club gathered around him, eagerly awaiting the results of his investigation. After removing his safety hood, he lifted the detector and di He pointed to the dial and said loudly, "Mustard gas, that's chlorine, and a weak organophosphate compound in much lower concentration," he explained loudly.


The Tokyo police spokesman stepped in front of the soldier and ordered, "Remove it from your notes.
The poison is sarin.

■【 上祐ファクター 】Statement of Mr. Jyoyu

化学戦兵士の説明は、ユニット101の指揮官によって検証された。The WeeklyがそのSDFユニッ

The chemical warfare soldier's account was verified by the commander of Unit 101.
According to top-level American and Russian chemical warfare experts, thousands of commuters were rubbing their eyes. According to top American and Russian chemical warfare experts, the thousands of commuters who were rubbing their eyes would have died if the toxin had been sarin. Their physical symptoms, especially heavy bleeding from the nose and mouth, were consistent with mustard gas, not sarin.
Their physical symptoms, especially heavy bleeding from the nose and mouth, were consistent with mustard gas, not sarin.

オウムのメディアの広報担当者上祐は、Sunday Focusと呼ばれるTBSチャンネルの人気のある

Aum's media spokesman Kamisuke was interviewed on a popular TBS channel's morning talk show called Sunday Focus.
morning talk show called Sunday Focus, held up a copy of our newspaper. He shouted: "This is the only press in the world that dares to tell the truth.
This is the only press in the world that dares to tell the truth.


■【 731部隊から福島の核兵器へ 】

From Unit 731 to Fukushima-manufacturing Nuclear Weapon

現在の福島の核危機における捏造と証拠の否定の手口は、1995年の春と夏に起こったことに根ざしている。日本の秘密兵器プログラムによって引き起こされた両方の大惨事には、全く同じ人物たちが関わっている。 近代現代史を遡れば、軍国主義者が作った傀儡国家満州国において原罪が生じた、そこでは、悪名高い化学生物兵器部隊731が、囚人たちに生体実験を行い、軍隊や民間の居留地に対して、すべて秘密の覆いの下に、革新的な毒素を撒き散らした

 The modus operandi of falsification and denial of evidence in the current Fukushima nuclear crisis is rooted in what happened in the spring and summer of 1995. The very same people were involved in both catastrophes caused by Japan's secret weapons program. In modern history, the original crime occurred in the militarist puppet state of Manchukuo, where the infamous chemical and biological warfare unit 731 conducted biological experiments on prisoners, and the military and civilian settlements. There, the notorious chemical and biological warfare unit 731 conducted biological experiments on prisoners and spread innovative toxins to military and civilian settlements, all under a shroud of secrecy.

731および 現北朝鮮の興南(フンナム)そして福島県内の日本の原子爆弾プロ

The subway gas attack follows a continuum of Japan's oft-hidden militaristic agenda spanning three generations of the Kishi-Abe family.
My grandfather Nobusuke Kishi, Japan's wartime Minister of Munitions and Supplies, was responsible for the infamous 731 chemical and biological warfare unit, the current North Korean regime in Heungnam, and the Japanese gas attack in Fukushima Prefecture.
His grandfather, Nobusuke Kishi, a wartime Minister of Munitions and Supplies, funded and financed the infamous chemical and biological warfare unit 731, now in Heungnam, North Korea, and the Japanese atomic bomb program in Fukushima Prefecture.
Kishi's grandfather, Nobusuke Kishi, who was Minister of Munitions and Supplies at the time of the war, was in charge of managing funds and materials for the infamous Chemical Biological Weapons Unit 731 and the Japanese atomic bomb programs in Heungnam, now North Korea, and Fukushima Prefecture.


Kishi's son-in-law, Shintaro Abe, was the mastermind behind the Aum Shinrikyo-run university in Moscow during the Yeltsin era.
He was the mastermind behind the Aum Shinrikyo-run university in Moscow during the Yeltsin era, which served as a recruiting center for Soviet weapons designers.


Secondly, Shinzo Abe, a third-generation scion, oversaw Aum's research into advanced weapons technology, and is currently
trying desperately to save Japan's clandestine nuclear bomb program in the wake of the Fukushima nuclear disaster.


In the 1980s, among its most active agents were arms smuggler Kiyohide Hayakawa and arms investigator Shinzo Abe, who worked under the cover of a manager at Kobe Steel, Ltd.
In the 1980s, among its most active agents were arms smuggler Kisayoshu Hayakawa and arms researcher Shinzo Abe, who operated under the disguise of a manager at Kobe Steel.


When the LDP research committee decided to create a "new religion" for the purpose of infiltrating the Soviet arms complex during Gorbachev's perestroika, the leaders of the spy agency transferred their human assets from the Unification Association to the newly created Aum Shinrikyo.


■【 統一マフィアが仏教徒となった 】Unified mafias became fake Buddhists

彼の祖父が元首相であり、満州占領の犯罪的略奪の故に非常に裕福であったことを考えると、安倍晋三は、顕著に平凡な学業成績で、政治家や官僚の期待以下の子供たちを育成するための成城大学の幼稚園に通った。 安倍は頭脳明晰ではなく、まさに心が曲がっている。

Given that his grandfather was a former prime minister and very wealthy due to the criminal looting of the Manchurian occupation, Shinzo Abe has a remarkably mediocre academic record and attended Seijo University kindergarten, which is designed to raise children below the expectations of politicians and bureaucrats. Abe is not clear-headed; he has a truly crooked mind.

This is because Shinzo Abe was the research manager for a brilliant new employee at Kobe Steel named Hideo Murai (retired in April 1987). 

安倍晋三が村井に割り当てた鉄鋼関連の実験技術のひとつは、旧ソ連から密かに手に入れられていた。 「冷間鋳造」として知られている電磁(EM)ビーム発生器は、小型の歯車などの微小部品に成形するために鋼の粒子を液化することができる。 コールドキャスティングは、飛行中の弾道ミサイルを破壊するためにも使用できるため、軍事・民間共用の技術である。

One of the experimental steel-related technologies that Shinzo Abe assigned to Murai was secretly obtained from the former Soviet Union. Known as "cold casting," the electromagnetic (EM) beam generator can liquefy steel particles to form them into tiny parts, such as small gears. Cold casting is a technology for military and civilian use because it can also be used to destroy ballistic missiles in flight.


As Murai later told our reporters in a serious scientific report, another application of the same focused EM energy
As Murai later told our reporter in a serious scientific report, another application of the same focused EM energy beam was for the earthquake machine that destroyed Kobe in early January of that year, 1995.



Was Shinzo Abe responsible for the destruction of Kobe in an artificially induced earthquake?

Now, the same question could be raised about the nuclear weapons-related disaster in Fukushima.
Fukushima is also covered with Abe's greasy fingerprints.


Bravely resisting the police crackdown on Aum Shinrikyō in March 1995, Hideo Murai said, "I am innocent (of the subway gas attack and previous murders of Aum opponents).
I am innocent (of the subway gas attack and previous murders of Aum opponents)," he told our reporters.
Just one day before the scheduled release, a Yamaguchi-gumi yakuza group member named Hiroyuki Xu was arrested.
Just one day before the scheduled release, a Korean gang member of the Yamaguchi-gumi yakuza group by the name of Hiroyuki Xu easily slipped past police officers while holding a long knife.
He easily slipped past the police officers and stabbed Murai to death in front of the TV news cameras.

■【 DARPAをハッキングする 】Hacking DARPA


Abe's strength in how to get away with the evidence of his crimes is duplicity, along with the perception that the watchers are either asleep or watching a movie on their cell phones.


On the other hand, Kiyohide Hayakawa, Abe's co-follower in the Unification Church and newly appointed Minister of Construction for the Aum Shinrikyo sect
Noriyohide Hayakawa, a co-follower of the Unification Church and newly appointed minister of construction for Aum Shinrikyo, led a 50-man arms smuggling team that moved 20 shipments of sarin gas precursors from the Volvograd weapons plant to Pyongyang.
The sarin was transferred under a secret alliance between Yeltsin and the LDP.

ソ連崩壊の混乱の中で、エリツィンの国家安全保障担当顧問オレグ・ロボフ[Oleg Lobov]は、

In the chaos of the collapse of the Soviet Union, Oleg Lobov, Yeltsin's advisor on national security
Oleg Lobov, Yeltsin's advisor on national security, met with three delegations of Japanese politicians to establish the Russo-Japanese University (also known as the Russo-Japanese International University) as a parrot-run recruitment center for Soviet weapons designers.
Oleg Lobov met with a delegation of three Japanese politicians to establish the Russian-Japanese University (also known as the Russo-Japanese International University) as a center for recruiting parrots for Soviet weapons designers.


The founders of Russo-Japanese University included Shintaro Ishihara of the Liberal Democratic Party, Shozo Kusakawa of the New Komeito Party, and Shintaro Abe (father of Shinzo), former Foreign Minister and Unified Church.
The founders of Russo-Japanese University included Shintaro Ishihara of the Liberal Democratic Party, Shozo Kusakawa of the New Komeito Party, and former Foreign Minister and Unification Association supporter Shintaro Abe (father of Shinzo).

人民解放軍に対する軍事的な成功は、サリンガスの十二分な供給に依存していた。 こうして、

Military success against the People's Liberation Army depended on a more than ample supply of sarin gas. Thus.
By the time Aum collapsed, it had accumulated enough sarin precursors from Japan's private chemical industry to eradicate 20 billion people.
Thus, by the time Aum collapsed, it had accumulated enough sarin precursors from Japan's private chemical industry to eradicate 20 billion people.


When the national police surveillance of Aum facilities was intensified and war plans were suspended, the sect and its sponsors launched a coup d'etat in Tokyo, beginning with a gas attack on the subway.
The sect and its sponsors launched a coup d'etat in Tokyo, starting with a gas attack on the subway.

■【 オウムを作り出すための論理的根拠 】The rationale for creating Aum Shinrikyo


When people realize that Shinzo Abe is implementing the Okada agenda by selling reactors like the one that exploded at Fukushima to the UAE, India, Turkey, and Vietnam.
Fact is stranger than fiction when people realize that Shinzo Abe is putting the Okada agenda into action by selling reactors like the one that exploded at Fukushima to the UAE, India, Turkey and Vietnam.
Fact is stranger than fiction.

■【 誠実な報告はリスクを伴う 】Good faith reporting comes with a risk


The last of a series of suspicious deaths, at least that I know of, was that of my immediate boss and former editor-in-chief, who was found dead on his front porch with the back of his skull crushed.
The last of the series of suspicious deaths, at least that I know of, was that of my immediate supervisor and former editor-in-chief, who was found dead on my doorstep with the back of his skull crushed.


These subsequent murders, in addition to the 12 reported dead in the underground gas attack, were carried out by the yakuza, in close coordination with the political enforcers in the capital, also known as the Metropolitan Police, and their bosses in the LDP.


The same trend is happening again with the mysterious "suicides" of news producers and reporters covering the Fukushima nuclear strike.
Once again, a trail of blood leads to the same suspects.

■【 正義は追いつく 】
"Justice will catch up with you."


Shinzo Abe, a coward who feared for the future of his career because of his own ties to Aum Shinrikyo, hired a public relations team to sanitize his image.
Fearing for the future of his career, the cowardly Shinzo Abe hired a public relations team to sanitize his image, erase his sordid career record, and bribe his detractors.
A diverse crew of media personalities, intellectuals, and foreigners was recruited, many of whom were involved in the Aum arms trade.
A diverse crew of media personalities, intellectuals, and foreigners was recruited, many of whom knew nothing of Aum's hand in the arms trade.


The only reason Shinzo Abe is not serving time on death row is that his father Shintaro, one of the three ringleaders behind the creation of Aum Shinrikyo, died four years before the gas attack.
was that his father Shintaro, one of the three masterminds behind the creation of Aum Shinrikyo, died four years before the subway gas attack.


The sentimental Japanese authorities made the foolish mistake of being too generous to their gloating, misbehaving son.

安倍晋三は、東京での大量殺人事件の犯罪的関係者であることをよくわかっている。 彼の罪は、2007年のシンガポールでのアセアン[ASEAN]会合の間にテレビで放映されたインタビューで、私

Shinzo Abe is well aware that he is criminally implicated in the mass killings in Tokyo. His guilt became apparent when I revealed to him in a televised interview during the 2007 ASEAN meeting in Singapore that he had aided Aum's arms dealings.
His guilt became apparent when I revealed in a televised interview during an ASEAN meeting in Singapore in 2007 that he had assisted Aum in his arms dealings, which led to a scheduled meeting with Vladimir Putin.
This led to the cancellation of a scheduled summit with Vladimir Putin. His resignation as Prime Minister of the First Cabinet ended his
There is no doubt that his continuing "stomach ache," which ended with his resignation as Prime Minister of the first cabinet, was due to severe indigestion caused by his cult beliefs and a nerve gas subway sandwich.
There is no doubt that his continuing "stomach ache," which ended with his resignation from the first cabinet, was caused by severe indigestion from the subway sandwich of cult beliefs and nerve gas.



Shinzo Abe has returned to his second cabinet as prime minister, but, as boxing champion Joe Louis once again said: You can run, but you can't hide.
But as boxing champion Joe Louis once again said: You can run, but you can't hide. 

■【 終局 】


The Tokyo subway gas attack set a precedent for urban terrorism in the heart of the world's capital.
It occurred six years before 911 in downtown New York and ten years before the London subway bombings.
The official cover-up of Aum's political sponsors produced a template for the misdirected propaganda of the Fukushima nukes.

地下鉄ガス攻撃と福島事件との間には直接的な繋がりがある。 原子力産業は、最終戦争のための麻原の呼びかけを全面的に支持していた。 そのぞっとする発見は、東京の北東にある秘密の核兵器製造施設についての捜索を私に開始させた。この長年の疑惑は、第一福島での311爆発と報告されざる近くの地下兵器研究所の破壊によって、疑いなく答えられた。

There is a direct link between the subway gas attack and the Fukushima incident. The nuclear industry was in full support of Asahara's call for a final war. The gruesome discovery prompted me to begin a search for a secret nuclear weapons production facility northeast of Tokyo, a long-held suspicion that was unquestionably answered by the 311 explosion at Fukushima Daiichi and the unreported destruction of a nearby underground weapons laboratory.


The government, law enforcement, prosecutors, and the media are ignoring the dangers of the present, just as they did 20 years ago.
By the time they wake up, it will be too late for their children to die young.
What happened in Tokyo in 1995 and Fukushima in 2011 was not just an accident, it was a devastating act of war against humanity.


≪ 2018年7月 オウム幹部 7人(死刑囚) : 死刑執行の真実・・推奨Webページ ≫


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  シャンティ・フーラの時事ブログ - Shanti Phula 2018/07/06

Jアラートの次はオウム死刑囚大量処刑 -転載元 「逝きし世の面影」様 2018/07/06-







■ 『オウムのテロ事件で使われた毒ガスは、陸上自衛隊化学学校(陸自大宮駐屯地)で製造か
 シャンティ・フーラの時事ブログ - Shanti Phula

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